Whether you've been with me for a distant or private Reiki session or been a part of one of my Reiki in the Salt Cave events, you may be wondering what's going on beyond your own experience. Maybe you're preparing for your first session and want to understand the process. No matter the session type, my process is largely the same, but let's use a private session for example.
You've arrived for your session, filled out a form and now you're on the table and things are happening. I'm moving around and hovering my hands over your body and sometimes adding in the use of instruments. Your session is complete and now I'm sharing the intuitive information I've received on your behalf. We've said our farewells and now you're moving on with your day. As you process your session, you may be wondering what exactly happened. You didn't see me do anything out of the ordinary, but you had an experience.
There's a lot that goes on prior to your arrival. I've physically cleansed my space and likely burned some sage. I've put a clean sheet on the table. I've selected music and turned on some salt lamps. From a purely physical standpoint, we're ready to go.
Energetically, there's still much to do to prepare. I take a moment to ground myself and then offer blessings to Source, Reiki, our guides and all who will assist us with the session. I implement specialized chakra arrangements to provide the highest vibration possible for your session. I call in Reiki and activate all of the symbols I have at my disposal. I set an intention to connect with you and ask that the Reiki flow to you for your greatest good.
Once you're on the table, I use a quartz singing bowl to assess your chakras. I'm listening closely to hear where balance is needed. Once that is complete, we're flowing. As practitioners, we're taught to move through a series of hand positions based on the chakra system. I'm following those, but also remembering what your goals for the session are. Maybe there's a physical issue to address, so I would add that area in as well. Maybe I'm unaware of a session goal other than relaxation, but I'm guided somewhere so I'm adding that area in as well. As I'm holding my hands over you, I'm feeling the way the energy is being received. I'm receiving messages from guides about those specific areas or other information that I'll pass on to you after the session. These messages are usually coming in the form of symbols that I'm interpreting as we go. I'm paying attention to the energetic interaction between you and Reiki and holding until I feel a shift. If I'm bringing instruments, I'm following guidance about what to use and where. Often times, these are areas where the stuck energy isn't moving and adding the vibration of instruments can clear those areas out. Once your session is complete, but before anything is said, I've gathered up all of the energy that has been build up in the session and anything that's been released into an energetic vortex and sent it back to Source to be transmuted for the greatest good of all and disconnected from you energetically.
There you have it! A behind the scenes look at your session. I hope that if you've ever left a session wondering, your questions have been answered. If you haven't had a session yet, I hope this helps you to understand the process so you can feel confident in booking one.
